Today was my first day at the YWiC Summer camp, week 1. So far, we have started learning the core concepts of programming, including functions, methods, variables, and et cetera. This brought us to make posters as well as play jeopardy, which I am extremely bad at. Jeopardy was never this hard back in AP Euro or AP US Gov, so it may be the subject and not the game itself?
Which brings me to: Memorization is not my strong point.
Then, we moved on towards to a progamming thing for LilyPad Arduino, which is the first sensible thing which happened today. Finally, code, not people.
Teamwork, also not a strong point.
LilyPad Arduino is a programming type thing to make fabric light up and make sound. We're designing bags, and I have a basic idea of what I want mine to be already. It just will require a lot of work and red and pink LEDs. So far this all is making me miss Webpage Design 2, because it hurts to think that I left so many projects behind unfinished.
Also, of most import: Where do I save things on this computer? I started in on making a pixel doll on MS Paint in hopes of doing such in break times and during lunch instead of forcing myself to do any socializing. But, where do I save it? I'm nowhere near finished. I'm thinking of saving it temporarily and then e-mailing it to myself, but I would be much happier without the extra work of doing that everyday.
On the most important note of the day: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
Yes, as of today I am another year closer to death, and another year closer to the forced possibility of responsibility. Ha! Wait, no that's a lie, I will never become responsible, I will just get older and better at faking it.
Best thing of today: music. I would've trolled with my headphones all day long, but I figured instruction followed the same type of rules; no headphones, no phones, no iPods, no mp3s, nothing that could distract from the educational experience. I kept my music in my pocket and was rewarded with Pandora over the speakers instead. Thank.
Today, on an overall scale, was a 5/10.
happy late birfday!