Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 4

Welcome to Thursday, which is pretty much all of the rest, but with a special twist.  Potterluck!  Potterluck, as in, Harry Potter Potluck.  It involves Burty Botts Every Flavour Beans and a whole lot of other goodies.  My favorite: BUTTERBEER.

Our prompt today is inspired by the Leanin prompt: What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Irony.  Pure, unadulterated irony, considering who I picked as my character yesterday.  Nothing like Tasslehoff and permanent fearlessness to make one consider how one would act if without fear.  Honestly, the question was so loaded that it will probably take me several paragraphs to consider.

First, what is meant by 'afraid'?  Do they mean the never ending nervousness that plagues everyone, wondering if they can succeed or whether they will fail?  Do they mean more specific fears, like hydrophobia or hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?  Because certainly either calls up different answers to that question.

As for general nervousness, I think I would not try so hard in the STEM fields if I wasn't so concerned that I would be unable to find work unless I worked in a STEM field.  I probably would pursue art or English or both, and I would not be in this camp in the first place.  I do not like math.  I do not like science, but I would rather be eating three meals a day and in a house than worrying about which couch I was sleeping on that night and that really has changed how I experience life.  This doesn't mean that I won't continue to nurture my talents in those areas, just not as much as I would otherwise.

However, fear has never stopped me from doing anything.  Fear has never been a deciding factor in why I shouldn't do something or why I shouldn't be somewhere.  I have never felt that type of fear. 

In regards to more immediate and gripping fears, I have to admit that my phobia is of confined spaces, whether big or large or not a space at all and rather a situation.  This is extended to surgery.  I think if I didn't have this fear, I would be more accepting of all types of hospital treatment.

On to more interesting matters: my day today.

It's not the best day I've had in camp, but its definitely the one in which I talked the most.  I actually spoke to people!  *throws confetti* *throws an elephant* *throws up an armful of doves and rice*

Yes, yes, I would like to thank all my loving fans for this honor.

My LilyPad Arduino bag is coming along. I have started on sewing the speaker, and I have completed the button.  With extra work this evening, I should have the project completed.  The app, not so much.  It's a little more worrying on my part, but I'll work on that tonight more if I can get the password from my partner.

I have realized that pictures are common things to have in these blog posts.  Honestly I have have been treating this all more as an essay than an actual blog.  That is a concern, so have a picture.

This is the background for our app.  Enjoy!

So, today's rating:  7/10.

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