A misty yet harsh light settles over NMSU campus. Students quiver in their seats and detectives wearing berets (couldn't find a proper deer stalker in time) with magnifying glasses and finger print kits swarm and crawl over the grounds in hopes to find the murderer. A classroom is roped off with yellow caution tape, and sirens echo in the background.
So, maybe that's an exaggeration. But there was a murder, and we at YWiC got to play 'who done it' after lunch. And, who did do it? No one knows! The trial will yield results on Friday and it shall be known who did do it.
My trials with Alice 3.0 are continuing. It's an epic journey and it's only getting more disturbing. Lifting arms, who knew it was complicated? Moving heads, who knew it was so creepy? I see homework, homework, homework, and now for something completely new and unexpected, homework!
Today wasn't my favorite day but I did enjoy the lunch.
The crime scene was fun, and I enjoy the challenge of Alice, but so far it looks like Lego NXT won't be my favorite thing to do. Mostly because it looks like very little programming to a lot of building, which I get really frustrated with.
My rating for today is 5/10. Not good, but tolerable.
I'm a little down because my friend was, so all the best wishes to her and etc!
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